Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program
The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program aims to help residents and businesses gain access to affordable high-speed internet through investments in broadband planning, deployment, mapping, equity, and adoption activities. Visit the BEAD Program webpage for details on program guidelines, how to apply, eligibility requirements, funding uses, and resources available for application creation.
BEAD Application Period 1 Initial Data
Applications Submitted
Participating Applicants
of BEAD Eligible Locations with at least one bid
BEAD Program Timeline
The BEAD application process will consist of two grant periods. Application Period One closed Friday, February 7, 2025, and PBDA will now begin Application Review Period One. Applications that are incomplete may not be considered for a grant award. Within these application periods, subsequent Broadband Serviceable Areas (BSAs) will be evaluated. The total number of project areas will be reduced for Application Period Two based on the awarded areas from the first period.
Guidelines posted: 30 days prior to opening the application period
Project areas posted: 10 days prior to opening the application period
Application Period One: Closed 2/7/2025
Application Review Period One: Currently in-progress
Application Period Two: Applications will be accepted for 60 days
Application Review Period Two: Once the application period closes, PBDA will review submitted applications.
This webinar covers the overview and purpose of BEAD, the application procedure and timeline, eligibility, the “extremely high cost per location” threshold, and grant awards. Reference the BEAD Program Overview 1 PDF for more information.
BEAD Program Overview Session 2
The BEAD webinar covers workforce development, affordability requirements, and application evaluation and scoring. Reference the BEAD Program Overview 2 PDF for more information.
BEAD Program Overview Session 3
This webinar covers Broadband Ready Communities (BBRC), permitting, Letters of Credit, Affidavits and other required forms, eligible locations determinations, and next steps. Reference the BEAD Program Overview 3 PDF for more information.
BEAD Application Walkthrough
This video will provide an overview of the Electronic Single Application (ESA) system and how to apply for the Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment Program.