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An Official Pennsylvania Government Website


Digital Equity Act

Too many people lack access to high-speed internet, can’t afford it, or don’t know how to use it. To create a fair economy, everyone must have access to reliable and affordable high-speed internet.

As part of the federal the Digital Equity (DE) Act , the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) received $2.75 billion to establish three grant programs to promote digital inclusion and equity to ensure that all individuals and communities have the skills, technology, and capacity needed to benefit from our digital economy.

These programs promote the meaningful adoption and use of broadband services to low-income households, aging populations, incarcerated individuals, veterans, individuals with disabilities, individuals with a language barrier, racial and ethnic minorities, and rural residents.

  • State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program: $60 million formula grant program for states and territories to develop digital equity plans.
  • State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program: $1.44 billion formula grant program for states and territories to implement digital equity projects and support the implementation of digital equity plans.
    • The NTIA will deploy funds under this program in three separate tranches.
    • The NTIA has released the NOFO for the first tranche .
    • Pennsylvania is eligible to receive over $25 million through this first tranche.
    • The PBDA must submit the application for the first tranche of the Capacity Grant Program to the NTIA by 11:59 PM on May 28, 2024.
    • Period of performance is 5 years from the date of awarded funds.
  • Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program: $1.25 billion discretionary grant program to implement digital equity projects.

Pennsylvania’s Statewide Broadband Plan was adopted in December 2022 to help outline challenges and opportunities for universal broadband access in the Commonwealth. The plan is available in other languages. Additionally, a Statewide Digital Equity Plan was adopted in January 2024.  Translated versions of the executive summary as well as the supporting appendices are available.

Digital Equity (DE) Act Fact Sheet

The Digital Equity Act (DEA) is a $2.75 billion federal funding program established by the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

DE Programs Milestone Completion and Implementation Timeline

May 2022
Program Open


July 2022
Planning Funds

Application Due - 7.12.22

Nov 2022
Award of Planning Funds
Approved on 11.1.22
1-Year Planning
Statewide Outreach and Digital Equity Plan Design
Feb 2024
Statewide Digital Equity Plan
Due 2.24
Approved 3.24
5-Year State Capacity Implmentation
Mar 2024
Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program Launch
NOFO released 3.29.24
5-Year State Capacity Implmentation
May 2024
Digital Equity Capacity Grant Application
Submitted 5.28.24 and Under Review
5-Year State Capacity Implmentation
1-Year Planning
5-Year State Capacity Implementation

Digital Equity (DE) Act Fact Sheet

The Digital Equity Act (DEA) is a $2.75 billion federal funding program established by the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

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